
Is it a Crescent or is it Saturn ?

فجّرت الجمعية الفلكية بجدة، اليوم، قنبلة من العيار الثقيل في تبريرها عدم مقدرتها على رؤية هلال شهر شوال مساء أمس، حيث شككت الجمعية في طريقة رؤية هلال شوال مساء أمس والتي أعلن من خلالها أن اليوم الثلاثاء أول أيام عيد الفطر المبارك.

وقالت في بيان أصدرته يوم الثلاثاء: إن ما تم رصده ليلة تحري هلال عيد الفطر المبارك من المرجح أن يكون كوكب زحل، نظراً إلى أن كوكب زحل وعقب غروب الشمس ظهر إلى جنوب الشمس، وأكدت أن ما يحدث يذكّرنا بما حدث منذ عدة سنوات بنفس السيناريو مع كوكب عطارد.

وعما قيل حول عجز المراصد الفلكية عن رؤية هلال شهر شوال وتمكن المترائين من مشاهدته بالعين المجردة، قالت الجمعية: إن المراصد الفلكية المتطورة لم تعجز عن رصد الهلال مساء يوم الاثنين، ولكنه ليس من دورها إيجاد جرم سماوي غير موجود، وهنا يكون الأشكال الحقيقي.

ومن المستغرب أن يزعم بعض الأشخاص رؤية الهلال عند ارتفاع أقل من درجة أو رؤيته مع أنه غرب مع غروب الشمس، فهذا الادعاء مخالف للمنطق العلمي، ناهيك عن انطوائه على مخالفة واضحة لسنه الله الكونية.

وإذا عدنا للرؤية مساء يوم الاثنين 29 رمضان 1432 فالاقتران الفلكي حدث عند الساعة 6:04 صباحاً، وغرب القمر قبل غروب الشمس في المنطقة الشرقية ولم يذكر أحد أنه شاهد الهلال هناك وكذلك هو الحال في شمال وغرب وجنوب المملكة باستثناء المنطقة الوسطى، وهذا مخالف لأبجديات علم الفلك، فالهلال لو تمت رؤيته رؤية صحيحة وحقيقية في المنطقة الوسطى من المملكة لكانت رؤيته سهلة كلما اتجهنا غرباً باتجاه السواحل الغربية والأجزاء الجنوبية.

وتقترح الجمعية إقامة مرصدين صغيرين (دائمين) في سدير وشقراء يتكون كل منهما من قبة فلكية ومركز تحكم له، تشرف عليه إحدى الجهات الفلكية وتكلفته بسيطة جداً، ويمكن إنجازه في فترة وجيزة من خلال إحدى الشركات المختصة داخل المملكة.


Hurricane Irene's aftermath

Flood water remain several feet deep, New Jersey and Vermont continue to struggle with their worst flooding in decades on Tuesday, two days after Hurricane Irene slammed an already soaked U.S. Northeast with torrenrtial rain, dragging away homes and submerging neighborhoods underwater.

Happy Eid :)

عيدكم مبارك و عساكم من عواده .. تقبل الله طاعتكم جميعا

ZAIN .. The face behind the bear

The famous Zain Ad in Ramadan was the bear holding a sword ( eldob elly shayl saif )

And this is the real guy behind the famous bear in the Zain commercial 


This video has a point..Google wants to know everything about us and they kind of want to control our lives I personally wouldn't call Google evil or the Military Beast. What do you think?

Kim Kardashian was MARRIED before !

It seems pretty clear that there is very little that happens on "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" that is unscripted. Most of the situations and plots seem contrived in that "The Hills"-esque fashion, where storylines seem to play out (instigation followed by conflict followed by resolution) in a way that would just never happen so cleanly in real life.

So keep that all in mind while watching this clip
Or that link below
 -- filmed when the family was vacationing in Bora Bora earlier this summer -- of Kim Kardashian casually informing husband-to-be Kris Humphries that she was previously married.

Humphries seems shocked by the revelation (well, he tells us he's "shocked"; his emotional state doesn't really seem any different), implying he didn't know Kim was married to music producer Damon Thomas from 2000 to 2004.

Checkout this video link :


The Avenues Taxi

I found this photo on the internet earlier and i thought it was pretty cool that there is a taxi which can take you to the Avenues Mall and bring you back home! it looks like the London taxis ! 
it`s a really a good idea :)

Beyonce is pregnant

After years of denying endless pregnancy rumors, Beyoncé finally has some good news to share.
The "Single Ladies" singer is pregnant .
When addressing photographers on the red carpet, Beyoncé said, "I have a surprise!" People reported.
Beyoncé's rep later confirmed the news to the magazine. "I'm happy to say it's true," the rep said, according to People.
In a June interview special on "Piers Morgan Tonight," the "Single Ladies" singer said she looked forward to parenthood.
"I always said I would have a baby at 30," said the singer whose 30th birthday is September 4.
Apparently, Beyoncé's husband Jay-Z has also had children on his mind. He and Kanye rapped about fatherhood on 'New Day" from their new album, "Watch The Throne."
Beyoncé  and Jay-Z wed in April 2008.


Eid Plays !

I`m really confused ! what`s the common thing between the Smurfs and Shrek ?!
are they cousins or something ?
I need to watch this play to solve that strange issue !

Producer : Senyar Productions
Director : Khaled Al-Refai
Creative Work : Senyar Marketing & Branding


The Haunted Castle is back !

On the days of Eid !
The Haunted Castle is back at Al-Sha`ab Park .. but NOW .. with more horror, thrill and fun !
I`m So excited to ride this game again !

Twitter Ad

I love it !
Really great Ad !

Bo Kareem Birgobta Sba3 7areem ( Part 2 ) :P

Humburger AlDeera !

A really funny old Hardeez Ad xD .. Allaah yr7amik Ghanim el9ali7 :*

Kalooooooh xP !!


Bashar AlShatti Eid Ad from Wataniya

Eid is coming ! Im so excited to get Eidiyas :p .. 3eedkom mbarak o 3assakom mn 3awwada mo8adaman ;* !

Gaddafi's Condoleezza Rice Photo Album Found At Tripoli Compound

LOOOL Qaddafi has a crush on Condoleezza Rice xD!! REALLY ??? WHY -.- ?!

BMW The coolest commercial

This Commercial  really caught my eyes !! The Music is great and the Idea of the commercial is really cool
This car is to die for!!

Art Planet T-shirts

I really liked these tshirts I saw in an Exhibition once ...  they have funny faces and comments on them , and the artist can print your face on a tshirt which is AMAZING and all they're prices are reasonable.

For information : 66411011



I was in New York City recently and alot of people adviced me to try The Cupcakes at Magnolias Bakery, they were the best Cupcakes ever!! ... The icing and toppings on the Cupcakes were cute and delicious ... I've tried three cupcakes they were all really good but my favourite was the Red Velvet ... if you ever visit New York City then you must try it.

They recently opened they're new branch in Bloomingdales Dubai Mall !!

Dont they look YUMMY :O?!

ElMalika songs

I really liked the music in ElMalika series .. The first song was 3omry jifaani by Huda Hussian ! I loved it because Hudas voice was the soundtrack of our childhood, dont you think so? (Dezena ya dairofa, the songs from Layla o ilTheeb and Wawi o Banat ElShawy).
And we felt the spirit of children in that time, but this song dashat galbyy because i heard the same voice that i heard when i was little but with different feelings ! 

The second song is by Fu`ad Ali ! I didnt realize that he has a great voice before.

Tora Bora the Movie

Tora Bora was originally a Kuwaiti series that was supposed to be on TV in Ramadan 2010 but was banned.
I recently heard about them making it a movie that would be in theatres on Eid , it was filmed in Morocco. I dont usually like Kuwaiti movies but the trailer of Tora Bora was surprisingly good.

Cast: Sa'ad AlFaraj , Asmahaan Tawfeeq , Abdullah AlTararwa , Khalid Ameen
Director: Waleed AlAwadhi

Steve Jobs resigns as CEO

Steve Jobs has been on a medical leave since january so its no surprise that he resigned as CEO of apple
Interim CEO Tim Cook was immediately elevated to CEO, while Jobs, 55, will stay on as chairman of the board.

"I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.
As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple" -Steve Jobs

I hope Apple stays the same without Steve !!

The Kardashian wedding

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Humphries! Kim Kardashian and Kriss Humphries got married last week.
She looks amazing !

I liked her simple look and that she didn`t exagerate in her makeup and accesories...her diomond head accerosry looks really cute on her and she was wearing a Vera Wang dress that looked elegant.

her diomond wedding ring is worth 2 million dollars .. mashallah its so pretty !

The Lion King show

I was in New york lately and went to see the lion king show on broadway .. it was really entertaning and we really had fun. I cant believe im saying this But I kind of think that it's better than the movie itself, the sound effects were really great, I loved it! :D

Movie reviews : The Smurfs

We got the chance to atend The Smurfs Movie a few weeks ago ... it's a family comedy that little kids and old school Smurf fans will enjoy... it's appropriate for all ages !

What I liked about the movie was the cast :Katy Perry does the voice of smurfette (which was a reason that attracted me to watch the movie) , Neil Pattrick Harris and George Lopez (who are really funny comedians)... But i think the movie was kind of overrated.

After watching the movie the annoying song will stick in your head :P !


Blog introduction

Hello !
This balcony has the best view of the wold that can inspire you to have fun!
it covers all the things that are going on right now in an interesting way.

-Ritaj    -May

Why Balcony ?
Because it views the world in simple words.
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